Creating characters
7 months ago
– Mon, Jun 10, 2024 at 12:46:57 PM
Mostly, everything has stayed the same between the third and fourth editions when it comes to creating a character. You still choose your Abilities, Background, Skills, and Hooks. How Backgrounds behave has changed; basically, you no longer get bonus skills. Now added to the mix is the concept of Sides and Professions.
Professions are basically the templates that were added to the game when the Player Companion was released. I decided to bring them into the game so that players would have an easier time getting into the period. I also did this because it allowed for even quicker character generation.
The Seven Steps of Creation
Choose your Abilities
Divide 6 points among your five Abilities (Brawn, Nimble, Vigor, Reason, and Resolve), and each Ability falls between +0 to +6 for the average character. The maximum Rank an Ability may have is +10, but this is typically for non-player characters, monsters, threats, etc. All scores begin at +0, and you have 6 points that you assign to your Abilities any way you wish. The maximum Ability one can have is +6 ranks. No Ability may drop below +0.
Choose your Background
Your Background helps define your character, setting them on their path before undertaking a life dedicated to combating the Agents and Entities of the Occult and Supernatural. Backgrounds no longer give you bonus Skills.
Choose your Side
Which side of the conflict do you stand on? To be more direct, are you a Patriot? Loyalist? Indifferent? The side you choose is not set in stone. Like life, your attitudes and opinions change, and this change is due to what you experience throughout the game. You might start your career as neutral in the current events, but this outlook might change, and you find yourself more aligned with the Loyalist cause. Or, the Patriot cause.
Choose your Profession
What is your place in the world? What do you do to earn a living? All of this sets the start of your spot in the world—skills you need in your fight against the occult and supernatural.
Everyone starts their life of fighting that which lurks in the shadows somewhere. After all, you do not wake up one morning and yell to the sky: “I declare I am a Witch Hunter!” That does not mean you cannot become one; it just means you must work your way to be one.
Your Profession is your first step in getting to your goal. It is also the first way you interact with the world around you. Keep in mind that Colonial Gothic is set in an actual historical period. Those living here have no idea what is happening in the shadows. They only learn this from adventure.
Professions are presented in the following format:
Name: The name of the Profession.
Background: The origin of your character.
Starting Vitality Bonus: This is the base Vitality you begin with.
Sample Profession
Student of the Occult
My dear friend, you speak of knowledge that delves into forbidden realms, and I possess a book of profound significance meant for only the most learned and initiated minds. Its contents carry a power that can leave an indelible mark on one’s soul. As a master of the esoteric arts, I have delved into mysteries beyond the veil of conventional understanding, partaking from the Tree of Mystery and consuming the fruits of arcane wisdom. This exploration has granted me insights and abilities that set me apart from the ordinary world as I navigate the intricate paths of mysticism with discernment and control.
While some may question the effects of such knowledge on the soul, I stand resolute, having honed my mastery to shield myself from detrimental influences that may ensnare the uninitiated. My connection to the esoteric arts has fortified my spirit, enabling me to traverse the enigmatic realms with purpose and understanding. As I continue to unlock the secrets of the esoteric, I embrace the profound depths of my wisdom, guided by the light of ancient knowledge. May my path be illuminated as I journey through the mysterious arts, finding solace and fulfillment in this pursuit of hidden truths.
Starting Vitality Bonus: 4
Skills: Lore (+1), Magic (one spell) +1, Study (1 emphasis) +1
Gear: Copies of The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, The Divine Pymander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus, and The Hieroglyphic Monad
Skills: These are your starting skills. Each skill has a starting Rank.
Gear: Three items that you begin your career with.
Choose your Skills: You have 7 points to purchase or improve the skills your character knows.
Choose your Hooks: Create two hooks based on your Background: 1 (one) based on your life before you began fighting the Occult and Supernatural, and 1 (one) based on your personality. You have a spot for one more Hook, which you create after your first adventure or any time after.